The Power of a Great Vacation

Go Informed Turns Three
Whether on a beach, a mountainside, or the apex of a rollercoaster, there are moments during a great vacation where time seems to stand still. Or even turn backwards or sideways. When you know you’ll remember this forever, or when something long forgotten suddenly comes rushing forth.
I use the word vacation with intention. A great vacation is more than just a trip, it’s an escape from the everyday. It takes you on a journey to a specific place and time, and gives you permission to fully experience the now.
During a recent holiday break, my Facebook feed was loaded with photos from all sorts of remarkable destinations. But it wasn’t the images that stayed with me, it was the epiphanies. The thrill of exploring an exotic land with the partner you always knew was ‘The One’. The realization that a special place carries the spirit of someone we lost long ago. The moments of pure joy spent with a child on the edge of adulthood. The wonder of these experiences is hard to capture during our everyday life. But vacation gives us an extraordinary opportunity.
A great vacation doesn’t usually just happen, it takes planning and awareness and curiosity, a willingness to make a connection. This year I hope to connect with you in more ways, to help you be ready for those moments. As Go Informed turns three, it is a privilege to be part of your great vacation.
~ Maven
Maven is the founder of Go Informed. You can listen to Maven on the Go Informed podcast; and read her posts on, which this month celebrates its third birthday.
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